Sunday, 20 May 2012

Tutorial Two: Occupational Engagement, Doing, Being, Becoming and Belonging.

My chosen occupation is the transition to first day at primary school. Pretty self explanatory. For those who don't know me, I have a daughter who has attended four primary school (1 in Christchurch and 3 in the Waikato region). I chose this occupation for two reasons: 1. my placements have not contributed to my OT experience (however much I enjoyed my time), and 2. although personally I attended 2 primary school, I did not have the success that my daughter did at doing, being, becoming, and belonging.


do -
1: to bring to pass : carry out <do another's wishes>
2: put —used chiefly in do to death
3a : perform, execute <do some work> <did his duty> b : commit <crimes done deliberately>
4a : bring about, effect <trying to do good> <do violence> b : to give freely : pay <do honor to her memory>

be -
a : to have an objective existence : have reality or actuality : live <I think, therefore I am>
b : to have, maintain, or occupy a place, situation, or position <the book is on the table>
c : to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted —used only in infinitive form <let him be>
d : to take place : occur <the concert was last night>
e : to come or go <has already been and gone> <has never been to the circus>

become -
1a : to come into existence b : to come to be <become sick>
2: to undergo change or development

belong -
1a : to be suitable, appropriate, or advantageous <a dictionary belongs in every home> b : to be in a proper situation <a man of his ability belongs in teaching>
2a : to be the property of a person or thing —used with to <the book belongs to me> b : to be attached or bound by birth, allegiance, or dependency —usually used with to <they belong to their homeland> c : to be a member of a club, organization, or set —usually used with to <she belongs to a country club>

Ethical considerations
I chose images without defining features that people could be identified with.
I also chose websites where consent (or parental consent) had already been acquired.
As I used my daughter as the main subject, I have decided to amp up the security to certain groups.

All four verb definitions from

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